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3 Critical Signs it’s Time to Re-evaluate a Toxic Friendship

    When we think of toxic relationships, we tend to think of dysfunctional family members or toxic romantic relationship. However, toxicity can run rampant in friendships as well. Below are 3 critical signs it may be time to re-evaluate and possibly break off a toxic friendship:   1.      Your friend spends more time tearing you down than building you up.     ·        If you have a friend who is consistently tearing you down instead of being supportive and building you up, it’s probably time to re-evaluate the relationship. For example, when having a conversation with your friend you feel misunderstood, attacked, or demeaned - you have a toxic relationship. If you feel consistently your feelings or actions are judged or dismissed, it’s time to rethink the relationship. If this is something that occurs regularly, it may be time to take a break to reflect on the future of your friendship.     1.  ...

Thank You

Its not always easy. In fact, many days I want to hide in my closet and eat cheezits alone for 2 seconds without hearing “MAMA” for the 729392 time that day. 

But these three. I believe children choose us to be their parents. To teach us what we need to learn to be better people. The good or bad, the hard or easy lessons. They are our teachers as much as we are theirs.

Their innocence is so pure, their wonder in everyday things is so magical. Watching your childrens’ discoveries and skills they learn, practice, and then master is unlike anything I’ve experienced before in life. Watching their delight in the ordinary or mundane reminds me to savor their littleness.

My three beautiful babies I am thankful. No, HONORED to be your mother. I get the privilege of raising compassionate, empathetic, and caring humans to contribute to the good of the world. It all goes by so fast, which yes cliche - but oh so true. 

Please, stay little a little longer. 

Happy thanksgiving everyone! 


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