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3 Critical Signs it’s Time to Re-evaluate a Toxic Friendship

    When we think of toxic relationships, we tend to think of dysfunctional family members or toxic romantic relationship. However, toxicity can run rampant in friendships as well. Below are 3 critical signs it may be time to re-evaluate and possibly break off a toxic friendship:   1.      Your friend spends more time tearing you down than building you up.     ·        If you have a friend who is consistently tearing you down instead of being supportive and building you up, it’s probably time to re-evaluate the relationship. For example, when having a conversation with your friend you feel misunderstood, attacked, or demeaned - you have a toxic relationship. If you feel consistently your feelings or actions are judged or dismissed, it’s time to rethink the relationship. If this is something that occurs regularly, it may be time to take a break to reflect on the future of your friendship.     1.  ...

Feeling unheard

Today I screamed at my daughter.

She wasn’t listening, and was continuing to do whatever I asked her to stop. She woke up her brother from a nap, and I snapped:

“Why can’t you just listen!?! Great, now he’s going to be a wreck the rest of the day!!!”

I calmed down, apologized and told her mama yelling at you can be scary right? She nodded, and her flushed tear stained face sadly looking up at me. 

I felt crushed. My sweet baby girl was scared of me. 

Her ignoring me had triggered a childhood issue of not feeling heard by my own parents. I never felt as if they listened to me, and would often have dreams where I would be screaming at them but they ignored me. Her not listening triggered this in me, and I felt I had to scream at her to be heard.

Luckily, I’m doing the work to fix myself and to heal from my trauma and abuse. My daughter deserves better. She is the love of my life, and deserves more from me. I will continue to work on me, and offer myself grace when I screw up - which I know I will do and have done in her short little life. 


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